Brad and Robin Jones
Campus Director & Associate Director
Brad has been serving with The Navigators since 2007, including 6 years at the University of Alabama. Since 2013, Brad has served as the assistant director and staff trainer at Penn State, and in 2019 Brad became the campus director. Brad loves helping students and staff experience the power of God's grace bring greater freedom and joy in their relationship with God. Brad is a 2005 graduate of Penn State, and loves all things outdoors and spends far too much time following Penn State football.
Robin met the Navigators as a student at Penn State in 2003. She was thrilled to join Navigator staff in 2007 and spent her first two years at the University of Arizona. After those two years, Robin choose to go off of staff and worked in a hospital in Pittsburgh for four years. Those years were instrumental in teaching her what it looks like to walk with Jesus for a lifetime. In 2013 she rejoined Navigator staff, excited to help students see the power of Jesus' transformation in their lives. She then spent 6 years at University of California at Davis. As a lover of ice cream, the Penn State Creamery provided all the incentive she needed for her return to her alma mater in 2019!
Betsy Forney
Navigator Representative
Betsy graduated from Purdue University with a degree in HDFS. She worked in her field of study before being called by the Lord to join Navigators on the college campus. She sees Penn State as a strategic place and unique time in students lives with unbelievable potential for world size impact. Her passion is to see students thrive in their walk with Jesus and live life wide open for him as they embrace their calling. Betsy and her husband Morgan have 4 children, Levi, Rachel, Seth, and Hannah.
Joe Violi
Navigator Representative
Joe first met The Navigators as a freshman in college. He didn’t know it at the time but that proved to be a pivotal point in his life and in his relationship with God. He was invited to join a bible study and for the first time understood and embraced the gospel. And He's convinced God is still working on college campuses today! He joined the Penn State staff team in 2011 and loves seeing students find the hope that can only come from knowing Christ, growing into devoted followers of Jesus, and living for the Lord to fulfill the Great Commission of making disciples in all nations.
Sharon Jones
Mission Staff
I came to know the Lord as a freshmen at The University of Northern Iowa through a Navigator Women's Retreat. After college I went on staff with The Navigators that kept me at UNI for three years then took me to Colorado Springs, Colorado and finally to State College. Griffin (also a PSU Nav alum) and I got married in 2008 and have four great kids: Riley, Ellie, Thatcher and Brennan. Now as a wife and mom of four I still love to invest in women's lives and have them in our home, around our family and seeking God together.
Katie Weber
EDGE Corps Training
Katie graduated from Millersville University of Pennsylvania in 2020. Throughout her four years of college she was involved with the Navigators at MU, it was during those years where she caught the vision for discipleship. After graduating she spent a year living in Tyler, Texas working in marketing. During that year she began to realize the heart she had for college students and her desire to learn how to minister to them well. She joined the PSU Navigators staff in the Fall of 2021.
Bryce Johnson
EDGE Corps Training
Bryce graduated from Penn State in 2020. During his time in college, God used Navigator students and staff to help him form a real relationship with Jesus. Experiencing the life changing transformation that Jesus offers; he began to develop a heart for sharing the gospel with others.
Bryce joined staff with The Navigators at Penn State in 2020 after graduating. He is passionate about helping students walk with Jesus and share their faith with their friends as they become lifelong laborers for the Kingdom of God. He is honored to be an instrument of God’s work at Penn State as He changes students lives forever!
Tom and Marti Kidd
Staff Shepherds, Trainer Coaches, Mid-Atlantic RLT
Tom and Marti met The Navigators at Purdue University. While Tom was a student they were in a leaders' Bible study and led student Bible studies. God used those years to establish them in their faith and gave them a vision and passion for investing in people for the rest of their lives. After 20 years in the work force, in 1997 God called them to full time ministry with The Navigators. They served at The University of Minnesota as Campus Directors from 2000-2009, led Bible studies, trained student leaders and trained staff. Ultimately they trained their replacement! They remained at the U of MN, continuing to train staff, disciple students and taking on the regional role as Trainer Coaches for the Upper Midwest Navigators from 2009-2013. In 2013 they moved to State College and now serve on the Mid-Atlantic Regional Leadership Team, serve as Trainer Coaches, serve as Staff Shepherds, disciple students and staff and will serve as Team Mentors for a CO-ED and Upperclassmen/Transfer Bible study this fall.